Sunday, September 28, 2014

lit analysis #1 Hamlet

  1. In the beginning of the play Horatio, Marcellus, and Barnardo see the ghost that has been seen twice before. They noticed that the ghost looked like king Hamlet of Denmark so they decide to tell his son Prince Hamlet. Then they arrange a meeting and when hamlet sees his father, he tells him to get revenge for his death. Hamlet master plan involved him acting like a lunitic. Everyone were aware of this  so everyone had an eye on him even Rosencrantz and Guildenstern which were Hamlet's childhood pal's. They all want to know why he gone mad. As Rosencrantz and Guilderstern fail to spy on Hamlet, he plans a play about a king who gets murdered the same way as his father to see Claudius reaction. He wanted to know if what the ghost said was truth. His plan worked Claudius did kill Hamlets dad. So he attempts to kill Claudius but instead he kills Ophelia's dad in front of  his mom. He is sent to England but on his way he sees king of England which was demanded to kill Hamlet. Hamlet writes a letter saying that Prince has returned to Denmark after pirates attacked his ship. So Claudius uses laerates desire for revenge to make sure Hamlet gets killed. He arrange a friendly game between them but he poison Laerate's blade so when it got blood hamlet would die. Clasudius had a backup pkan he poison a golbin and he would give it to Helmet if he scored first or second hit. His plan worked he killed hamlet but the poison didn't kill him immediately so he was able to kill Claudius. 
  2. The theme in Hamlet is that revenge will only cost problems and may lead to death of innocent  people. I think Shakespeare wrote about this topic because it was very common in the old days for people to be revengeful so he maybe wanted to give a understanding of how it can effect you.
  3. I chose this book because it was written by Shakeseare. His stories are unique. What kept me going forward was that I wanted to know how it ended because his stories aren't predictable. They don't end like "and they lived happily ever after." Although I like those books too.
  4. I didn't find this book realistic because ghost don't exist. I was still able to connect to it because in school they're many people who say "I get you back" .personality I don't bsay that because I have this saying that says crime will never go unpunished. I still fell like getting revenge on my sister.
  5. The the author tone in Hamlet is revengeble and evil. First the ghost appears telling his son to get revenge for his death. Claudius uses poison even thought the Prince could be effected by it. Finally Hemlet is so angry he kills his lover father in accident because he thought it was Claudito.
  6.  "My father's brother, but no more like my father / Than I to Hercules."  He used a simile to come his father to his brother and himself to Hercules., "'Tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature possess it merely." He used a metaphor to compare the city of Denmark to a garden. "O, what a noble mind is here o'erthrown! / The courtier's, soldier's, scholar's eye, tongue, sword ... [is] quite down."  She names three aspects of Hamlet's character. Dialect is all in the play because Shakespeare was an inventor,  he invented many worwithout looking ate their actions.
  7. The direct characters are Hamlet because Shakespeare tells us he is melancholy and that he is filled with grief because his mother married Hamlets father's brother.Claudius is also a direct character because since the beginning we knew he was evil until the end of the story.indirect characters are Ophelia and laerles they are both indirect because we can't tell their characteristics without  looking at their actions.
  8. The protagonist is static because Hamlet is a character who thinks before he acts ,he is calm too. Hamlet or the protagonist is round because he changed feelings, reactions, thinking before he act was in the beginning he let that go when he accidentally killed Ophelia's father.
  9. It didn't fell anything when I read the book maybe because I didn't understand all the words.
  10. The part that I will remember would be the part where Claudius plans a plan to eliminate hamlet. I think I will remember this along time because I learned that revenge spent get you anywhere and because everyone revealed the secret and some were forced like Claudius. Everyone got what they deserve.