Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ebola questions and answers

1.The CDC wants to make hospitals Ebola-ready in a presumption .
2.  The solutions she offers are expanding capacity at our nation's four bio-containment hospitals. This will treat Ebola patients without having the virus spread from the patients to the doctors or anyone in the hospital.
3.Sean Kaufman called them "absolutely irresponsible and dead wrong" which he refered to the CDC's guidelines for protective gear for Ebola because alot of skin was showing.
4. Michael Burgess pointed out the difference of protective suits from Africa and the ones the CDC issued for nurses and doctors. The Africa suit is more protective then the CDC which shows more skin.
5.  Ms. McCaughey concludes her commentary by recommending: “The best Ebola strategy is to protect our local hospitals, health-care workers and patients by relying on the nation’s bio-containment facilities. That’s what they were built for? I agree with Ms. McCaughey. Ebola doesn't have a cure so we should  keep the ones that are heathy safe from Ebola.
Yes they agree that local hospitals and other community places should be protect ed so Ebola it doesn't expand of Ebola to everyone.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Article Summary

        In the Article titled Obama's speech, a model of persuasive by David Kusnet , he disscuses the steps that President Obama speech changed people opinion. First, David Kusnet explains how Obama's identified  with the audience. Next, David Kunst points out that Obama convinced the public by telling a story. Also, David Kusnet reports the made Russian purposal by the President about Syria turning over it's weapons to the international authorities. In addition, David Kusnet mentioned that listeners care more about encouraging news than elegante rhetoric. Finally, David Kusnet concludes  by adressing that Obama's speech was a model to persuade an audience point by point. This Article tone is earnest because it's serious  and sincere.