Thursday, August 28, 2014

Born order research draft essay

My first born research result
            “A woman has two smiles that an angle might envy, the smile that accepts a lover before words are uttered, and the smile that lights on the first born baby, and assures it of a mother’s love.” The fist born are somehow different then middle, only, and youngest child. The research is almost accurate about first born.
            As the research said, first born are self-sacrificing. This is true because when you are older and you have little brothers you have to let them have something you want because it’s the right and responsible thing to do. I sacrificed myself for my siblings this time when we had pizza, and there was only one piece left, so I let them have it because they are small and they just what to eat.
            Another reason that the research is accurate is because I am sarcastic in my house or with my friends. I am sarcastic with my sister the most because she asks dumb questions like when I am eating pie, she asks me is that pie. In the other hand I am also punctual. I don’t like being late to anything since I was little or missing anything. Right now I depend on my dad to take me to school on time, he takes long to get ready.
            Finally, the profession is correct. I am not sure because I don’t know what I am going to be in the future but I have my mine on engineer, computer science or accountancy. I love math so this jobs are what I’m looking for. My belief is loyalty. I strongly belief in loyalty because it’s the only way people can trust each other. If my sister lies to me, I would get mad. Sometimes I don’t get why she waste her time lying to me when she I will get the truth out of her.

            After all the evidence I gave about how accurate the research is it also has things that don’t apply to me personally. Most of they are true like what I said. Self-sacrificing, sarcastic, on time, want to develop these profession and I am a great believer of loyalty, which is all that were on the research. 

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