Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Perseus and Medusa blog

Main Characters

  • Medusa: A snake-headed girl, dangerous, monster. When you see her you turn into stone.
  • Perseus: A wise, brave, strong young man. He slashed medusa's head.
  • King Polydectes: old, mischievous, stubborn
  • King Akrisios: heartless, selfish
  • The Graiai: ugly, monsters, one eye and one tooth three of them share, tattle tales

  •  After curse                                         Before curse


This story has three settings, The Graiai's lair, Medusa's lair, and Seriphos.  Seriphos where the story first took place, it's where Perseus was born and where he accentlenly killed his grandfather. The conflict took place in both the Graiai's lair and Medusa's. He arrived and demanded the Graiai to tell him where Medusa lived.
Main Plot
King Akrisios wanted to know when the birth of his first grandson would be. King Akrisios was so eager to know, he went to a priestess who told him he would die at the birth of that one grandson. He was so scared that he decided to hide his daughter Danae forever. However, the god of thunder, Zeus, built a barrier and turned himself to gold to get to Danae. Finally perseus was born. King Akrisios eventually found out about his grandson and sent them both down a river where a fisherman found them. The fisherman took Perseus and Danae in as a family and they all lived together in the land of Seriphos.  Danae was so beautiful it caught the King of Seriphos attention. He wanted her with a passion, but Perseus was in his way. To get rid of him he sent Perseus to capture a monster's head hoping he would die. Unfortunately, his wish was not granted. Perseus was able to capture the gorgon's head, and kill the King Polydectes by turning him into stone with that same head, Medusa's head.

Main Conflict

Perseus is sent on an impossible mission by the King of Seriphos. He is to capture the Gorgon's head. With the help of a man named Hermes, Perseus is able to get there safely. Hermes gives Perseus winged boots, a bag of winds, a shield, and a helmet. He encounters the Graiai's sisters whom they all shared just one eye and one tooth. He takes their eye and forces them to tell him where Medusa's lair is. He finally gets their and with his sword he slashes Medusa's head while she sleeps. The bag of winds helps him get back to Seriphos where King Polydectes awaits. When Perseus gets there he laughs at him. Perseus then takes the head out and turns the King and his friends into stone. He was able to save his mother and the people from that evil King.


I believe Perseus and Medusa attempts to explain origin of destruction. There is many deaths that occurred. First Peresus kills Medusa, he then kills King Polydectes, and lastly his grandfather. I think a moral would be "what comes around goes around." King Polydectes sent Perseus with the intention for him to get killed, when in the end the one that ended dying was him

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