Thursday, October 9, 2014

Latin Root #4

Roots and Derivatives

  1. bon, boun= good
  2. capit, capt= head, Chief, Leader
  3. carn(i)= flesh
  4. ced(e), ceed, cess=go, yield, surrender
Word List
  1.  accession= the attainment of a certain rank or dignity, an increase by means of something added, the act of becoming  joined      The accession of the chemical made it work.
  2. bona fide= in good faith; genuine       The guy is bona fide.
  3. bonanza= a sudden and unexpected source of money or riches, a wind fall         The women got a bonanza for the gold watch which was more then she expected.
  4. bounteous= inclined to be generous, plentiful and abundant      The guy was bounteous to the women that asked for help. 
  5. capitulation=A surrendering, usually upon prearranged terms or conditions: a final give up     Capitulations in many places happened because many people died.
  6. carnage= a great slaughter, as in a battle      The soldiers were in carnage and not many people were left.
  7. carnivorous= flesh-eating, as an animal      Travelers became carnivorous to keep some of them alive.
  8. incarnate= literally, in the flesh, in bodily form: personified: flesh-colored        A King who were disliked were incarnated by the people.
  9. intercede= To act on another's behalf: to mediate       The prince interceded for the young beautiful girl.
  10. precedent= A previous act or decision taken as a valid model: a having gone before        Many precedent have and is changing many people life.
  11. recapitulation= A brief repetition, a summary, as of what has already been said.        To check if we understand, the teacher asks us for a recapitulation of the subject.
  12. reincarnation= a thing that is reborn or comes back although perhaps in a different form      The reincarnation of the city changed in a good way.

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