Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ch 11 questions

1) Ralph's group decides they must go to jack to get Piggy's specs back and talk about Ralph still being chief.

2) The twins are "seeing Ralph for the first time" before going to castle rock when Ralph was up on a small frenzy shouting about the smoke, his attitude was never seen by anyone which took the twins by surprise.

3) The boy's attempt to get back piggy's spec and get the other boys to maintain a signal fire bound to fail because there are less boys on Ralph side, and Jack would probably refuse to obey and give Piggy his specs.

4) I think Rodger pushes the rock of the cliff because he got caught up with what everyone else was doing and pushing the rock might have made him seem more powerful.

5)The destruction of the Conch symbolically significant the end of civilization and order.

6) For most of the boys, the reasons they want a chief is to lead them through difficulties. A chief can guide everyone to a path, the chief makes the decisions for the boys.

7)Do you want to get rescued?
   Are you planning on killing more boys if your desire to kill emerge?

8) As a story first begins, it starts in peace, everything is happy. As the first killing occurred which was of the pig, more death followed. Simon was killed by all the boy, an accident or not, some boys like Jack didn't seem concerned about it but tried to justify it. The Island is not the problem. It hasn't changed, but the boys have. Now the New leader became Jack, and Ralph is battling to find answer.

Seeing all this turning to a disaster give me fear. I always wonder if I'll ever be able to go hope to my family before some kills me. If someone does kill me, the one doing it would probably be Jack. Right now I'm supporting Ralph but I wish he finds a way to get the support of al the boys and becomes leader yet again. I can only drean.

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