Friday, November 14, 2014

The color purple

Part one: In The Color Purple, Celie was 14 years old and she was giving birth which was her fathers child also. One day a man came and said he wanted to marry Nettie, Celie sister. Her dad refused but he gave Celie away instead of Nettie. Nettie escaped from house and wanted to stay with Celie. Everything was going great until he wanted to make a move on her and she defended herself. She was thrown out of the house, and never seen again by Celie. everyone grew up happy, the oldest kid got married. He then had problem with his wife. His wife went to jail for hitting the major and cussing the mayor's wife. Celie's husband brought a visitor which was his old lover, Shug Avery. At first she was mean and demanding, but it at she was getting married.later changed.She left and when she return, she announced that she was getting married. Celie and the Shug Avery found the cards that were from her sister, all of them. That's when she made the decision of going away and also she was able to see her sister and her mom.

part two: the author chose to write about this topic to inform people how life was for African American, even when they were with their own raise. So we can learn that it's wrong to not do and try to stop it.

Part three: The protagonist is dynamic because she was innocent, afraid and quiet, at the end she was strong enough to stand up for herself, she wasn't afraid anymore.She was still generous and a women with morals. She is also a round character because she shows lots of emotion, and the book is based on her life. Another major character would be Avery because she was almost always there by Celie's side and helped her still the end.

Part four: In the book The Color purple, the symbol is obvious, it purple. It relate to the whole story because it's hard not to notice the color purple, purple makes everything stand out, it does everything to get noticed, that what people in the world try to do. Celie, Nettie, and many women who were fighting everyday of their lives to stay alive.They were fighting to get noticed, that they are not animals you can sale, trade, or give away. Women are important why are they not treated like they are suppose to, lik a person who works hard everyday of their lives.

Part Five:My fiend read it, and she read good books so i decided to try it. As I read the title it didn't seem interesting so I read the back summery, the idea that it was a story of a African American women, I wanted to know the story. I wanted to know if Celie ever going to see her sister Nettie, her son and her daughter. I wondered if she was going to have a happy other words, what kept me reading was the ending, I wanted to know.

Part six: I can kind of relate my life to Celie's life in the story. As in the book men think they have the right to get a women and treat them like trash. In my life my dad doesn't do that but he is very bossy and get's really mad although he doesn't hit my mom he yells at her and say's mean things.

Part seven:The idea that i will expect to remember would be "purple only want to be noticed." I will remember this to be able to understand why people do what they do. I think this is important in everyday life, to see not from there were but from the person that's doing the action. "I had to fight my dad, my brothers to have the upper hand" This means she fought her life to not get hit and to be noticed that she wasn't going to be treated like she was ever again.

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